raise negotiation Course

Our methodology has helped women earn $1M+ more in salary and benefits. We want to share this with you too.

Learn exactly how to negotiate your raise with confidence.

We spend so much time and energy working hard in our jobs, but often hesitate when it comes to asking for a well-deserved raise.

And that approach isn't working. What good is all your hard work if you're not being compensated fairly for it? If you're not seeing the salary growth and benefits you deserve? It's time to change how you approach raise negotiations if you want to see real, lasting results in your career and compensation.

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Our hard-earned raises never materialize because we don't know how to ask for them effectively.

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We work tirelessly for months or years, exceeding expectations and driving great results, only to hesitate and hold back when the time comes to ask for a raise.

Or worse—you know you deserve more money, buuuut you're stuck in the paralysis of not knowing exactly what to ask for or how to make your case to your manager.

I get it. For years, I missed out on opportunities to negotiate my salary because I felt unprepared and lacked the confidence to advocate for myself. I'd maybe get up the nerve to mention a raise once to my boss, and then move on quickly if it wasn't immediately granted.

The issue is that you're working hard and know you deserve more, but you don't have an effective strategy to communicate your value and make a strong case for a raise.

So, what if you could spend less time worrying about raises and more energy building a process that empowers you to consistently and confidently negotiate to be paid what you're worth?

If you learned a new approach, you could...

Prepare with the knowledge of exactly how to determine your target salary and make a bulletproof case for it

Have an action plan that will allow you to approach the negotiation with intention and purpose

Execute a simple strategy to set up the meeting, make your case, and handle any objections or responses

Know how to continue the conversation if needed and ultimately secure the raise you deserve

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Get ready for the feeling empowerment that comes from taking control of your earning potential as a woman.

Introducing the Raise Negotiation Mini Course

I've packaged up my own simple and strategic raise negotiation methodology that has empowered women to earn over $1 million more in salary and benefits.

I'm giving you the exact model for you to turn your raise negotiations into a well-oiled machine (that fills you with confidence, not dread), so that you can take control of your career growth, consistently advocate for yourself, and ultimately earn what you deserve.

When it comes to getting paid what you're worth, I want YOU to be in the driver's seat.

In This Course You’ll Learn…

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How to reality check your ideal asks

I'll help you review your desired wants to make sure that you are starting the process with realistic asks.

How to prepare your asks

You'll identify areas that can be negotiated and how to set yourself up for success by framing your asks appropriately.

How to communicate with leaders & other individuals

You'll learn how to position your ask for each of the individuals you encounter in the raise negotiation process.

How to set up the conversation

You'll grasp how to establish an ideal negotiation discussion environment.

How to handle responses or objections

You'll learn techniques and strategies for handling the responses to your asks.

According to Payscale, 63%of workers have not asked for a raise at their current organization. Go get that money off the table.

Courtney H.

"Iridium helped me accurately evaluate myself as an employee and gave me strategies, and thus confidence, on how to approach difficult conversations with my employer."

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Hi, I'm Caley.

Throughout my journey, I’ve helped others right where you are now – facing critical crossroads and striving to unlock the doors to success.

You know, I've been in the trenches, side by side with business leaders, helping them carve out innovative pathways to growth and snag top-tier talent. Co-founding Iridium Helps was a natural progression after my time as Vice President at two award-winning consulting and search firms. There, I honed my knack for guiding professionals through career shifts and compensation negotiations. This led to crafting this tailor-made program for you.

But it's not all business suits and boardrooms. In fact, I’m more of a Patagonia puffy jacket and flannel person. I have a knack for helping professionals from all walks of life level up their careers. Whether it's nailing those soft skills, orchestrating killer negotiation moves, or steering your trajectory to new heights – I'm your trusty co-pilot.

I'm not just a talking head, mind you. I'm a speaker and workshop maestro on all things career development, career transitions, human capital strategies, and even the energy industry (because, hey, we need sparks to light up our careers, right?). I've shared tips and insights with private organizations, non-profits, associations, and schools.

Now, the spotlight's on you. It's time to seize the reins of your career and unleash the potential you've been nurturing. Consider us your trusty navigators, your secret weapon in the labyrinth of the professional world. Let's do this!


Are you ready to ask for what you want?

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